Trump carries Hancock County in Iowa GOP Caucus

Concord Township Republicans check in priior to the participating in the 2024 Iowa GOP presidential caucus. Rebecca Peter | The Leader
Rebecca Peter

Iowans braved bitterly cold temperatures on Jan. 15 to participate in the 2024 Iowa caucuses. Probably to no one’s surprise, former president Donald Trump carried Hancock County in the GOP presidential preference vote with 337 votes.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis came in second with 91 votes, and former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley was third with 46 votes.

Among the other candidates listed on the GOP straw poll ballot, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy was fourth with 31 votes. Ryan Binkley of Texas, pastor and CEO of the Generational Equity Group, received 8 votes. One vote was cast for former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson. Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie received no votes.

Editor's Note: Christie, Hutchinson, Ramaswamy and DeSantis have since suspended their campaigns.

Alan Bush, Garner, was the precinct captain at the GHV High School location at Garner. Bush caucused for Trump. “He’s the only choice. We have such a mess. There’s only one person who has strength to straighten this mess out. We’re at war. We were at peace during his 4 years – the most peaceful 4 years we’ve ever had.”

Bush said Trump “obliterated ISIS, got rid of the caliphate and signed the Abraham Accords.”

He also cited low oil and gas prices and low employment during that period. 

“The economy was the best we’ve ever had. When [Trump] was in office, we had 300,000 illegals crossing our border every year. Now we have three to four million.”

He pointed out that 3 conservative justices were appointed to the Supreme Court during the Trump administration.

Doug McCabe is also a Trump supporter. “He’s going to bring security and safety to the United States. He can stop wars.”

“I just want fairness. The American people should decide,” he said.

Gerald Edgar caucused for Governor DeSantis. “Our best presidents from George Washington on down have been veterans and many of them governors,” he said.

“[DeSantis] did miracles in Florida, which was a blue state, and he turned it red,” he said. He noted that DeSantis was the only candidate from either party who is a veteran and a governor.

Dean Cataldo, Garner, thought Trump has the “background and ability to handle the problems that are arising” such as the “possibility of WW III…unrest in the Mediterranean, illegal border crossings, high cost of living. He has the ability to make energy available.”

Vivian Bovenmeyer, Garner, supports Trump, “because I think he speaks his mind. I like the way he sticks up for our rights.”

The story was much the same among Republican caucus goers at Britt, where a majority favored Trump.

"I believe Donald Trump is the right person to save our country and make it great again... again!" said Mark Jamtgaard.

"I believe Trump's record shows that he's going to help our country," said Rita Devries

Carl Anderson, however, supported Nikki Haley.

 "I've been watching her from the time she got into the U.N. I am looking for someone different that'll work with others. I'm tired of the two parties being so extreme on both sides," he stated.

Low turnout

Hancock County has 3,905 registered Republicans, according to the information from the Hancock County Auditor's office. A total of 515 GOP voters county-wide turned out to caucus.

“We had 515 voters,” said Bud Jermeland, Hancock County GOP Party Chair. “I was expecting 800-1,000.”

He continued, “Our turnout in some sites was good. The Concord and Britt, Erin and Orthel precinct numbers were lighter than I expected. I do think the extreme cold weather hurt our attendance.. I also think some Trump voters knew Trump was going to win anyway so they stayed home.”

The evening included support for the Republican Party platform, electing members to the GOP Central Committee and delegates to the Hancock County Republican Convention. The county GOP convention will be held Saturday Feb. 17, 7 p.m. at the Britt Municipal Building.

Editor’s Note: Ben Hassebroek also contributed to this article.




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