Two compete on GOP Ballot for county supervisor

County supervisor candidates Bud Jermeland and Josh Crawford
Rebecca Peter
The June 4 Primary Election in Hancock County has one contested race for county office on the Republican ballot. One seat on the Hancock County Board of Supervisors is up for election.
Candidates for County Supervisor are Osmund “Bud” Jermeland and Josh Crawford. The winner in the Primary Election will be on the ballot for the General Election in November.
There no candidates for county supervisor listed on the Democratic ballot.
The Leader asked the candidates to share background; why they are running for county supervisor; what do they see as top priorities for Hancock County; as well as any other comments. Their responses are below:
Bud Jermeland, rural Forest City, has farm since 1978 as well as general manager of Corwith Red Power in Corwith. He as 34 years experience in Ag Sales/Management.
Jermeland has an Associate of Arts Degree from Waldorf College and a Bachelor of Science degree from Iowa State University in Ag Business.
He has served as Hancock County Republican Party Chairman; Forest City Sports Boosters (president and vice president) Forest City Rotary, Esterville Kiwanis and as member of the Hancock County REC Board.
1. Why are you running for county supervisor? 
I’m running for Supervisor because I want to make sure decisions continue to be made locally versus in Des Moines. Some legislation introduced in the Iowa Senate this past session was designed to take power away from County Supervisors, by doing so the decisions made for our county would collectively be made in Des Moines. They don’t know what’s best for us. They don’t even know the issues we are facing. 
If you look at our county versus neighboring counties, our issues are totally different. We don’t have the budget issues/shortfalls some of them do. We have a strong stable employment and manufacturing base. We have good roads and county infrastructure. To be lumped in with less fortunate performing counties would not be to our benefit. I would do everything in my power to prevent this from happening. 
Our property tax rates are good compared to other area counties. We need to continue using our tax paying citizens money wisely to ensure it stays that way. We always need to be on the lookout for new industry and housing solutions to bring economic growth to our county. A business closure can have a devastating economic impact on a county and it’s communities. A county that isn’t looking forward in these times could easily get run over. 
It is obvious the proposed CO2 pipeline, private property rights and eminent domain are hot topics in the county. I oppose the CO2 pipeline because of safety concerns. I believe there are much better alternatives to solve this problem. In reality, is CO2 a problem at all? Is carbon sequestration even necessary? 
These questions all need answered. Private property rights are protected by the 5th Amendment. Protecting property owners from the use of eminent domain for private projects such as this one, where there is no public benefit, is a necessity. If this one is allowed, what will come next? 
I was happy to see the current board make the Veteran’s Services Officer a full-time position. Our Veteran’s health care system is broken. When it comes to the service men and women who sacrificed their lives to make our lives safe, there should be no questions regarding their medical needs. It’s our turn to protect them! 
At times, our County EMS services struggle because of rising costs and the lack of personnel. The time commitment for training has some people unable to commit. Inflation has hit all our budgets including fire departments and ambulance services. The cost of vehicles and equipment has continued to rise. Although most are in good shape as of yet, future purchases of new vehicles might be in doubt. We need to ensure they have the resources they need to respond to any given emergency of any type. 
2. Why would you be an effective board member?
I will listen to both sides of the issue, I will do my research on the issue and then decide based on facts, void of emotion. I don’t believe in knee jerk reactions. I think all sides and parties to the decision must be allowed to present their case. 
Maintaining good relationships with other board members and county department managers is essential. Internal turmoil disrupts progress and stymies growth.
3. What do you see as priorities for Hancock County? Why?
•We need to make sure Hancock County stays a safe place to live and raise a family. I wouldn’t have put this as #1 until just recently. I now see many places I once considered safe, now not to be. 
•We need to ensure we are in control of our own destiny, not someone else. Decisions need to continue to be made locally by people who are directly involved in the process. 
•We can never have “too much” industry in our county because that brings jobs and people. Economic growth is the lifeblood of a county. Having good open dialogue with our current manufacturing employers is equally important to make sure we are providing the services they need. There will always be someone waiting to take them away from us. 
4. Other comments:
Although I’ve always had an interest in politics, I never saw myself seeking office. With retirement from my present job in the near future, I will now have the time and have a renewed urgency to get involved and do my part to keep Hancock County safe and moving forward. I look forward to serving you if duly elected. 
Josh Crawford, rural Garner, farms and is the owner/operator of Flat Rack Pumpkin Patch and Greenhouse along side his wife, Lisa.
Crawford has an AAS Degree. He is vice President of the Hancock County Farm Bureau and is a member of the Hancock County Soil and Water Commission.
1. Why are you running for county supervisor?
County supervisor is a role that I have always wanted to seek. I enjoy challenges and helping people. Hancock County is a great place to reside and do business and I want to be a part in continuing that.
2. Why would you be an effective board member?
I feel that I look at issues from all angles and how they affect citizens. I feel strongly that the role of a supervisor is to be a voice for the people of the county and not one person or groups agenda.
3. What do you see as priorities for Hancock County? Why?
•Keeping citizens safety and concerns a top priority.
•Keeping economic growth high, and taxes in check.


The Leader

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