The Thompson Times
During this 10thweek of the session several bills passed the House. One with the goal to Protect Public Funds from environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies. It requires that public funds act only in the best financial interest of the fund and its beneficiaries and not make decisions based on political agendas. It also prohibits public entities from entering into contracts with companies who participate in economic boycotts. There are presently three industries being boycotted in the US; agriculture, gun manufacturers and the fossil fuels. All are important to the state of Iowa and deserve protections from unfair investment policies.
Another bill out of the Health and Human Services Committee passed unanimously to support Iowa’s foster parents. It comes from a group of foster parents that have worked with the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (IDHHS). It establishes requirements of DHHS in communicating with foster parents, including visitation, case permanency plans, Individualized Educational Programs, medical appointments, legal history, removal of a child, investigations, and making complaints. This information is in the best interest of the child to help the foster parents provide a supportive home environment. The bill now goes to the Senate.
Also, this past week in the House voted to increase transparency and access to information for school board members. It clarifies that school board members have access to review curriculum, library books, and professional development materials. It also says school board members should be allowed to work with teachers and the Superintendent to sit in on any classes or professional development trainings. I believe the schools in District 56 already allow access but the bill cleans up the Iowa code, which does not specifically address this issue. The House worked with members of the Iowa School Board Association and the teacher's union on this amendment to ensure it worked for all involved.
The Governor’s large realignment bill (HF 662) came to the floor for a vote. It was over 1500 pages long and floor managed by Rep. Jane Bloomingdale. It consolidates 37 cabinet position down to 16 in which the goal was to streamline areas that may have repetitive functions. The bill was divided into sections and subcommittees making it more manageable to read and investigate. The Governor’s office communicated with us about our specific concerns or questions. The subcommittees were open to the public to come and voice their concerns as well. After reading and listening to many from our district, I ultimately voted against the bill for several reasons.
One, involved the changes to the Office of Consumer Advocacy (OCA). I heard from many stating that OCA is the “peoples attorney” and voice for their land rights and that changes were not necessary. Two, the changes to the Iowa Department of the Blind (IDB) are unnecessary and they should continue to have a say in the hiring/firing of the director of the Iowa Department for the Blind. Third, the bill gives exclusive authority to the Attorney General’s Office when it comes to election integrity issues. This takes away the power of the local county attorneys to prosecute in instances where a county finds election issues. I feel we must take the long view with our laws and consider how they will possibly affect our elections in the future. The bill ultimately passed the House.
On Monday informed citizens, other legislators and I voiced our concerns at the public hearing before the Voter Registration Commission (VRC) on a proposed rule change from the Secretary of State’s (SOS) office. These proposed rule changes would put barriers in the way of citizen volunteers who are working to help clean up our voter rolls. We are blessed to have a number of Iowa citizens who care about integrity in our elections and who have been busy behind the scenes quietly cleaning up our voter rolls in cooperation with county auditors. They have found thousands of names of people who have died or have moved out of state and are getting them off the voter rolls. The volunteers out-performed theElectronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) – asystem designed to clean voter rolls of deceased or those who have moved. We need to support the efforts of these volunteers and not put roadblocks in their way. I support citizen involvement in cleaning the voter rolls by identifying ineligible voters and getting them removed. The goal is to make it easier for volunteers rather than harder. It appears the Secretary of State agreed with those at the hearing and it's a victory for our voters. Since the hearing on Monday our Secretary of State, Paul Pate issued a statement saying he would be ending the state’s membership to ERIC. In the last few months about seven states have ended their membership with ERIC. Iowa is now the eighth state.
Protecting Privacy in School Bathrooms and Locker Rooms
Many schools have asked for guidance on the bathroom, locker and field trip requirements. The legislation that has passed both the House and the Senate mandates bathroom and locker room use, and accommodations on school trips for k - 12 schools be based on biological sex.
Rep. Steve Holt floor-managed the bill. "It is incredible that we must pass such legislation, but those who supported this common-sense legislation did not move the goalposts. Bathrooms based on biology have been the norm in our nation since 1887."
It is important that we respect the privacy of every Iowa student and that every child has a safe place to change and use the restroom. Some children may not feel comfortable using the restroom or locker room that corresponds with their biological sex. This bill states schools may provide accommodation for that child by providing a separate space for the child to use. Accommodations should be made to keep every child safe and comfortable as they change or go to the bathroom. However, that accommodation should not have to come at the expense of the privacy of our other children, especially our daughters. The correspondence I received regarding this issue has been overwhelmingly in favor of bathrooms based on biology. You can reach out with issues that concern you at
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