Johnson questions County Compensation Board recommendations
To the editor:
So, I glanced at Garner paper and saw an article about the Hancock County Compensation board. It turned into a casino night of who can give away the most of other people’s money. Tim Tusha opened with $3,500 for Sheriff. $1,500 - Recorder. $2,500 - Auditor. $2,000 - County Attorney and $1,000 for the Treasurer and Supervisors. Tim tossed $13,500 of your yearly tax money on the table.
Former Supervisor Jerry Tlach, who somehow wormed his way onto the Compensation board shouted, hold my beer. I see your $13,500 and raise you $14,000 more. I’ll heave $5,000 to the Sheriff, $4,000 - Recorder, $5,000 - Auditor, $5,000 - County Attorney, $4,000 -Treasurer and $1,500 each for the 3 Supervisors. And with that high roller Jerry pushed $27,500 on the table.
You got to give Bill Paulus credit for his backdoor bluff because the Compensation/Casino board voted yes on his tender. Toss out a dollar amount for the Sheriff, $5,000 and follow up with 3% for the rest. Supervisors $1,313, Auditor $2,774, Treasurer $2,566, Recorder, $2,545 and $4,160 for the County Attorney. If the Sheriff were 3% it would be $3,856. Bill tossed $20,984 on the table.
Jerry is proof that if you stay to long in the game it corrupts good men. In June of 2000 while running to replace a man who had been there 8 years Jerry said “"I think it's been the same people there for too long,". 24 years later Jerry left the Supervisor’s office. In that same news article, he is quoted “I'm sure money isn't everything”. It sure looks like it is now Jerry. Two years ago, Hancock had no debt and would have been tied for 1st in debt per capital. We now are 40th.
The #1 item is at the State house this session? Property taxes which fund counties and schools. Since 2000 Iowa’s population has gone up 8.8%, inflation up 59.1% and property taxes up 110.9%.
The Compensation needs to made up of independent members and not chosen by the current officeholders. Eliminate the conflict of interest. Anyone remember seeing a campaign sign about wanting a $4,000 raise?
If the Supervisors really want to pass out those increases cut the money from the Britt library. Tax money should not be used to shelf the book “This Book is Gay”. It’s border line porn and 100% groomer guide for pedophiles.
John B. Johnson, Britt
The Leader
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