House Happenings
This was an unusual week. We faced a family emergency and almost lost my 92 year old father. He fell last week in his independent living apartment and broke a vertebra in his back and was immediately hospitalized. The hospital had strict covid rules that only allowed one family visitor every 24 hours. After five days in the hospital with only an IV and no food or liquids, he could not talk or swallow. He was in critical condition on Sunday.
It was at that point we discovered I could get in as clergy. Two other family members who work in the medical field were also admitted. We appraised the situation and recognized he would not make it through the night. My sister offered her house for home hospice care which would allow family and friends one last visit. We made all the arrangements, checked him out of the hospital and had him transported by ambulance to my sisters house. We fully understood that he might not survive the 40 minute ambulance ride.
As soon as he arrived and was surrounded by family and friends, he began to perk up. He had hope again. Within two days he was drinking liquids, eating soft food and making good progress. It can still go either way, but the contrast was dramatic.
By Wednesday morning we were back in Des Moines and in full swing in the legislature. I share this story because it highlights what so many have been saying about the inhumane treatment being forced on the sick and elderly by our covid rules and regulations. I favor common sense measures that puts the family first.
Wednesday evening we debated and passed The Life Amendment. In 2017 the Iowa Supreme Court went far beyond its purview and declared abortion a constitutional right in Iowa.
The Court’s ruling threatens any reasonable restrictions on abortion, such as restrictions on late-term abortions and taxpayer-funded abortions. Many who are pro-choice even support these restrictions. We cannot allow un-elected, activist judges to re-write our Constitution. We have a process for amending the Constitution, and that process allows the people of Iowa to have a say. If it is passed again in the next session of the legislature it will be on the ballot for the 2024 election.
Today we are debating The Freedom Amendment. Iowa is one of only 6 states that currently has no language in its Constitution that protects the fundamental right to keep and bear arms.
This would explicitly protect the foundational right that Iowans deserve and prevent a future Legislature or overzealous judiciary that is hostile to the second amendment. Because this passed the last session of the legislature, with its passage today and then in the Iowa Senate, it will be on the ballot for the 2022 election. It lets the People Decide.
The Leader
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