Buffington: People need to take this very seriously!
GARNER - The COVID-19 virus and how it will affect government services was again a topic at Monday’s meeting of the Hancock County Board of Supervisors.
“There’s been some significant changes over the last three days,” said Andy Buffington, Hancock County Emergency Management Director. “I think on Friday, when we went home there were 45 cases. Now it’s up to 90 in the state. That number’s going to continue to grow, significantly in my opinion, based on the availability of testing and the numbers of people being tested.”
“This is the reality that people need to take this very, very seriously.”
He admitted 3-4 weeks ago he was inclined to say the publicity about the COVID-19 virus was “a lot of hype.”
“But as cases get closer to home, I’ve eaten my share of crow – and rightly so.” he said. “This is an extremely serious situation because we do not have a vaccine. We do not have any type of medical therapy.”
Buffington said while the vast majority of people will recover, “We, those of us who would recover fully, need to act responsibly for those would not – the vulnerable members of our population.”
“That’s why we need to practice social distancing. Stay home if you’re sick. Isolate yourself. That’s how we beat this thing. That is how we see light at the end of the tunnel.”
“It's not a time to panic. It's not a time to run to the store.”
Buffington noted that the government offices and agencies he has been working with have been “fantastic.”
“We’ve already been planning what happens next.”
Supervisor Gary Rayhons thanked Buffington for keeping the board and officers updated.
“This will be on the agenda until this is over,” Rayhons said. “I keep looking at what we need to do to keep governmental services functioning.”
Last week’s action to restrict the access to the courthouse by the general public was something new.
“How is it working? What needs changing?” he asked.
Discussion on Monday included how courthouse employees will have to get used to a different way of working with residents. Department heads need to start working out an action plan should an employee become sick.
Buffington again emphasized to everyone, “If you are symptomatic at all – stay home!”
The Leader
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